Salesforce Lead-to-Cash

Process description

The Lead-to-Cash process is an end to end process which starts with a potential customer's intent to buy a product. After a sales rep finalizes a quote and orders it within Salesforce CPQ, Salesforce Billing picks up the order record for invoicing and payment.

Lead Qualification

Once a lead is generated, the lead will go through a qualification process. The objective of this process is to determine whether the lead is most likely to make an actual purchase. Once the lead is qualified this will turn into an actual opportunity for a sale. In Salesforce, this is tracked via the Lead object.

Opportunity Management

As a lead qualifies into an opportunity, the sales team will work on the opportunity together with the potential customer, in order to identify the need and suggest an appropriate product or service which will meet this need. In case the opportunity is won, this will generate one or more orders in order to fulfill the won opportunity. In Salesforce, this is tracked via the Opportunity object, and the Quote object.

Quote Management Once an opportunity moves forward with a customer, products and services will be offered through quotes. In Salesforce CPQ the Quote object contains information about the products and services a customer wants to buy. You can create as many quotes as you want on a given opportunity. However, many quotes your opportunity contains, only one can be designated as primary.

Order Management

Within Order management, the order lifecycle is maintained, including order capture, and fulfillment. In Salesforce, the Order object is used to maintain this process. One quote may have multiple orders if the configuration is set in CPQ package.

Contract Management

Contracts are used when orders included at least one subscription product under a contract-based renewal model. Salesforce CPQ creates a contract record for them.

Invoice Management

The billing process begins when you invoice your order. When this action occurs, Salesforce Billing creates an Invoice record that contains invoice lines for each of your products from the Order. The invoice balance could be managed through credit and debit notes.

Payment Management

The collection of payments is possible once the invoices are posted. Salesforce Billing lets you collect and allocate payments to invoice lines.

Available tags & due dates

The following tags are available by default.

Tag Description
Approval process started multiple times Multiple approvals may exist for one object, however if the same approval process is triggered multiple times, there might be inefficiencies to review. Applies for all objects (Lead, Opportunity, Quote, Order, Contract).
Multiple Owner Changes Applies for all objects (Lead, Opportunity, Quote, Order, Contract), reflects that the owner of that object has been changed multiple times and that may be justified (vacations, escalations) or may require attention.
Primary quote changed multiple times The primary quote in an opportunity is the one that can turn into an order. There might be inefficiencies to review if these changes happen constantly.
Credit Notes allocated to Invoices Processes that involve Credit Notes could potentially mean that errors were committed during the invoicing or order generation. It can also be part of the normal operation of the company as it may be related to rebates, write-offs or any other type of discount.
Debit Notes allocated to Invoices Processes that involve Debit Notes usually mean that a mistake was made during the invoicing or order generation. This type of activities should be reviewed and check to whether they should be happening.
Credit and Debit Notes allocated to each other When a Credit Note is allocated against a Debit Note (or the other way around) it means that they are cancelling each other. This procedure should only happen when mistakes were made and further analysis may be required to avoid them.
Unpaid Order Items This tag lists all cases where Invoices were not fully paid and that they are overdue.
Top 20% unpaid Order Items by Amount This tag is similar to 'Unpaid Order Item' but it is only selecting the top 20% by Amount of those cases
Top 20% unpaid Order Items by Days Past Due This tag is similar to 'Unpaid Order Item' but it is only selecting the top 20% by days past due of those cases
Cases with unallocations Applies to all those cases where any type of unallocation has happened. Unallocations are a good marker for activities that do not add any value and are probably happening as a result of a mistake made.
Multiple users for same activity An order item has the same activtiy executed multiple times by different users.

The following due dates are available by default.

Due date Description
Invoice Line Payment This value compares the due date of an Invoice Line and the date when the payment was received.


This app template uses Salesforce Sales Cloud as source system with the CPQ and Billing packages installed in the Salesforce Org. Salesforce CPQ managed package simplifies configuration and ensures pricing and quoting accuracy. Salesforce Billing is an add-on package that inherits key records and information from Salesforce CPQ and lets you invoice an order and manage its balances through payments, credit and debit notes.

Extraction for the system is done using CData Sync. To set-up the extraction, make sure you have a valid license for CData Sync and have installed CData Sync.

System configuration

To be able to extract data from Salesforce the following configuration in Salesforce is required.

Field history tracking

Depending on which fields have field history tracked, different change events will be recorded. Field history tracking can be configured from each object within Salesforce setup. Recommended minimal setup is having the following object and fields tracked:

By default, Field History is disabled per object. In order to setup Field History Tracking for an object, the following Salesforce manual contains a step by step instruction: Salesforce - Track Field History for Standard Objects. Note: if a field is activated for tracking, the values will be tracked from that moment onwards. Any changes before that point in time will not be saved. As of February 2022, Salesforce retains field history data for up to 18 months through the org and up to 24 months via the API, and Field history tracking data doesn't count towards Salesforce org's data storage limits.

In case the history needs to be stored for a longer period of time, Field Audit Trail must be activated. This allows copying of history data into a separate big data object and allows storage for up to 10 years.

Campaign information

The user must be marked as "Marketing User" in the user settings in order to extract Campaign information.

Multiple orders per quote

To allow users to create multiple orders from a quote, "Allow Multiple Orders" in CPQ Order Package Settings must be selected.

Allocate payments to invoice lines

To allow users to allocate payments to invoice lines, Advanced AR Application should be enabled in Billing (Invoice package settings).

API Access

In order to connect via CData, the user establishing the connection must be API Enabled, and must have appropriate read permissions on each of the objects which are being extracted. All fields included in the input tables must be visible for the user extracting the data. In case any fields are not visible, and may not be made visible, permissions should be granted to the user, or a profile with permissions should be used to extract the data.

Additionally, a security token should be generated for the user. This can be done by resetting the current security token in your personal settings, see Salesforce - Reset Your Security Token. The security token is required to establish the connection to Salesforce via CData Sync.

Salesforce objects

The Salesforce Lead-to-Cash app template works on the process starting on the marketing campaign generation, up to the generation of customer orders. If the order includes subscription products the process adds contract to track the subscriptions.

This includes processing of the following Salesforce transactional objects:

Additionally, the following additional objects are used to add additional information:

In order to allow Currency conversion and to calculate amounts using historical exchange rates, Effective dated currency should be enabled in the Salesforce org, and historical exchange rates should be loaded into the system. The following object will become available after the feature is enabled:

*CurrencyType, DatedConversionRate objects are by default disabled in Salesforce orgs. By default, these will not be considered in the transformations. If the feature Effective dated currency is enabled in the Salesforce org, the transformation and related logic can be enabled by using DBT variables. Alternatively, the information for this feature can also be loaded manually using seed files.

Setting up the source connection in CData Sync

Setting up the destination connection in CData Sync

To set up the destination connection, follow the steps as defined in Create a destination connection (Automation Cloud). Note: If you are using Automation Suite, make sure to select AUTOMATION SUITE as the DELIVERY option and select the correct version of Automation Suite you are using.

Creating the extraction job in CData Sync

To create the Job in CData make sure to follow the steps below.

Advanced job settings

In the Advanced tab in the Job Settings panel, edit the following settings:

If you are using Automation Suite, set the Destination Schema in the Settings panel on the overview tab. Use the schema name you retrieved when you created the destination connection.

Setting up environment variables in the extraction job

Important: Make sure you edit the Pre-job Event.

CData Sync allows the use of environment variables in order to drive specific extraction logic in each query.

Variable Description Comment
start_extraction_date Defines first date for which data will be extracted. Mandatory
end_extraction_date Last date for which data will be extracted.

In order to setup the environment variables:

Step Action
1 Go to the Events tab in the Job Settings panel of the job you are creating
2 Edit the Pre-Job Event section to add the code displayed below after <!-- Code goes here -- >. Do not modify the api:info details that are shown by default.
3 Click on Save Changes.
<!-- Modify environment variables here. --> <!-- Variable start_extraction_date must be populated.--> <api:set attr="out.env:start_extraction_date" value="2022-01-01" /> <!-- In case a specific end date is needed, replace the value string with the required date in yyyy-MM-dd format. --> <!-- i.e api:set attr="out.env:end_extraction_date" value="2022-02-01" --> <api:set attr="out.env:end_extraction_date" value="[null | now() | todate('yyyy-MM-dd')]" /> <api:push item="out" />

By default, end_extraction_date will default to today's date. start_extraction_date must always be populated.

Setting up the data ingestion call

After the data has been successfully loaded, the Process Mining platform needs to start the data ingestion process. This is done by calling the End of Upload API. In order to set this up, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Go to the Events tab in the Job Settings panel of the job you are creating
2 Edit the Post-Job Event section to add the code displayed below after <!-- Code goes here -- >. Do not modify the api:info details that are shown by default.
3 Fill out the End of Upload API with the value provided.
4 In case you need a debugging log for this call, uncomment the two lines provided in the code below and provide a location for the log file.
5 Click on Save Changes.
<api:set attr="http.url" value="END_OF_UPLOAD_API"/> <!-- <api:set attr="http.verbosity" value="5"/> --> <!-- <api:set attr="http.logfile" value="D:/mydir/cdata_log.txt"/> --> <api:call op="httpPost" in="http"/>

Table Replication

Once the job is correctly setup, go to Task tab, click + Add Tasks, enable the Custom Query option and paste the following queries (each query needs to maintain the semicolon at the end). Make sure you save all changes.

Default Extraction

The following set of queries should be used for scenarios where Multi Currency, Dated Conversion Rates, Person Accounts and Record types are not used and are disabled. In case any of these are used, please update the queries as described in the Alternative Scenarios section.

REPLICATE [Account] SELECT [Id], [AccountSource], [BillingState], [BillingCountry], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Industry], [Name], [OwnerId], [Ownership], [ParentId], [Rating], [Type] FROM [Account]; REPLICATE [CampaignMember] SELECT [Id], [CampaignId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [LeadId], [Status] FROM [CampaignMember] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [Campaign] SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Name], [OwnerId], [ParentId], [Status], [Type] FROM [Campaign] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [Contract] SELECT [Id], [ContractNumber], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [OwnerId] FROM [Contract] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [ContractHistory] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [ContractId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [NewValue], [OldValue], [DataType] FROM [ContractHistory] WHERE [Field] IN ('Status', 'Owner', 'ContractTerm') AND [DataType] != 'EntityId'; REPLICATE [blng__CreditNote__History] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [ParentId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [DataType], [OldValue], [NewValue] FROM [blng__CreditNote__History] WHERE [Field] IN ('blng__Status__c'); REPLICATE [blng__CreditNote__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Name] FROM [blng__CreditNote__c]; REPLICATE [blng__CreditNoteAllocation__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [blng__Amount__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [blng__CreditNoteLine__c], [blng__InvoiceLine__c], [blng__Type__c] FROM [blng__CreditNoteAllocation__c]; REPLICATE [blng__CreditNoteLine__History] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [ParentId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [DataType], [OldValue], [NewValue] FROM [blng__CreditNoteLine__History] WHERE [Field] IN ('blng__Status__c'); REPLICATE [blng__CreditNoteLine__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [blng__CreditNote__c], [Name] FROM [blng__CreditNoteLine__c]; REPLICATE [blng__DebitNote__History] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [ParentId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [DataType], [OldValue], [NewValue] FROM [blng__DebitNote__History] WHERE [Field] IN ('blng__Status__c'); REPLICATE [blng__DebitNote__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Name] FROM [blng__DebitNote__c]; REPLICATE [blng__DebitNoteAllocation__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [blng__Amount__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [blng__DebitNoteLine__c], [blng__InvoiceLine__c], [blng__Type__c] FROM [blng__DebitNoteAllocation__c]; REPLICATE [blng__DebitNoteAllocationCreditNoteLine__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [blng__Amount__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [blng__CreditNoteLine__c], [blng__DebitNoteLine__c], [blng__Type__c] FROM [blng__DebitNoteAllocationCreditNoteLine__c]; REPLICATE [blng__DebitNoteLine__History] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [ParentId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [DataType], [OldValue], [NewValue] FROM [blng__DebitNoteLine__History] WHERE [Field] IN ('blng__Status__c'); REPLICATE [blng__DebitNoteLine__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [blng__DebitNote__c], [Name] FROM [blng__DebitNoteLine__c]; REPLICATE [blng__Invoice__History] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [ParentId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [DataType], [OldValue], [NewValue] FROM [blng__Invoice__History] WHERE [Field] IN ('blng__InvoiceStatus__c'); REPLICATE [blng__Invoice__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Name] FROM [blng__Invoice__c]; REPLICATE [blng__InvoiceLine__History] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [ParentId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [DataType], [Field], [OldValue], [NewValue] FROM [blng__InvoiceLine__History]; REPLICATE [blng__InvoiceLine__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [blng__Balance__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [blng__DaysPastDue__c], FORMAT([blng__DueDate__c], 'yyyy-MM-dd') as [blng__DueDate__c], [blng__Invoice__c], [Name], [blng__OrderProduct__c] FROM [blng__InvoiceLine__c]; REPLICATE [LeadHistory] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [LeadId], [NewValue], [OldValue], [DataType] FROM [LeadHistory] WHERE [Field] IN ('Status', 'Rating', 'Owner') AND [DataType] != 'EntityId'; REPLICATE [Lead] SELECT [Id], [ConvertedOpportunityId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Name], [OwnerId] FROM [Lead] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [Opportunity] SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Name] FROM [Opportunity] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [OpportunityFieldHistory] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [NewValue], [OldValue], [OpportunityId], [DataType] FROM [OpportunityFieldHistory] WHERE [Field] IN ('Amount', 'StageName', 'Owner', 'CloseDate') AND [DataType] != 'EntityId'; REPLICATE [Order] SELECT [Id], [AccountId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Name], [OpportunityId], [OrderNumber], [Type], [OwnerId], [SBQQ__PaymentTerm__C], [SBQQ__Quote__c], [ShippingCountry], [ShippingState] FROM [Order] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [OrderHistory] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', ReplicateEndDate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [NewValue], [OldValue], [OrderId], [DataType] FROM [OrderHistory] WHERE [Field] IN ('Status', 'Owner', 'TotalAmount') AND [DataType] != 'EntityId'; REPLICATE [OrderItem] SELECT [Id], [SBQQ__BillingFrequency__c], [SBQQ__ChargeType__c], [SBQQ__Contract__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [OrderId], [OrderItemNumber], [SBQQ__Status__c], [Product2Id], [Quantity], [SBQQ__SubscriptionTerm__c], [SBQQ__DefaultSubscriptionTerm__c], [TotalPrice] FROM [OrderItem] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [blng__Payment__History] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [ParentId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [DataType], [OldValue], [NewValue] FROM [blng__Payment__History] WHERE [Field] IN ('blng__Status__c'); REPLICATE [blng__Payment__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [blng__PaymentDate__c] FROM [blng__Payment__c]; REPLICATE [blng__PaymentAllocationDebitNoteLine__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [blng__Amount__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [blng__DebitNoteLine__c], [blng__Payment__c], [blng__Type__c] FROM [blng__PaymentAllocationDebitNoteLine__c]; REPLICATE [blng__PaymentAllocationInvoiceLine__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [blng__Amount__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [blng__InvoiceLine__c], [blng__Payment__c], [blng__Type__c], [blng__Unallocated__c] FROM [blng__PaymentAllocationInvoiceLine__c]; REPLICATE [ProcessDefinition] SELECT [Id], [Name], [TableEnumOrId], [Type] FROM [ProcessDefinition] WHERE [Type] = 'Approval'; REPLICATE [ProcessInstance] SELECT [Id], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [ProcessDefinitionId], [Status], [TargetObjectId] FROM [ProcessInstance] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [ProcessInstanceStep] SELECT [Id], [Comments], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [ProcessInstanceId], [StepStatus] FROM [ProcessInstanceStep] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [Product2] SELECT [Id], [Name], [ProductCode], [Family], [QuantityUnitOfMeasure] FROM [Product2]; REPLICATE [SBQQ__Quote__History] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [ParentId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Field], [NewValue], [OldValue], [DataType] FROM [SBQQ__Quote__History] WHERE ([DataType] != 'EntityId') AND (([Field] IN ('SBQQ__Primary__c', 'SBQQ__Status__c', 'SBQQ__SubscriptionTerm__c')) OR (([Field] IN ('SBQQ__SalesRep__c', 'SBQQ__ExpirationDate__c')) AND ([OldValue] IS NOT NULL))); REPLICATE [SBQQ__Quote__c] SELECT [Id], [SBQQ__Opportunity2__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Name] FROM [SBQQ__Quote__c] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [RecordType] SELECT [Id], [Name] FROM [RecordType]; REPLICATE [User] SELECT [Id], [Department], [Name], [UserType] FROM [User];

Note regarding CData Salesforce Provider Version 21.0.8097.0 When a table has an _Incremental Check Column_ field predefined in CData Sync, the SQL query cannot use the same date field in both statements (WITH and WHERE) at the same time. If version 21.0.8097.0 (or an older version) of CData is used, the date filtering should be done in the WHERE clause and should be removed from the WITH statement.

Alternative Scenarios

The following scenarios can be used in combination with each other:

Multi Currency and Dated Conversion Rates are enabled in Salesforce Org

In case multi currency is used in the Salesforce org, add the following queries:

REPLICATE [CurrencyType] SELECT [Id], [IsCorporate], [IsoCode] FROM [CurrencyType] WHERE [IsCorporate] = 1; REPLICATE [DatedConversionRate] SELECT [Id], [IsoCode], FORMAT([NextStartDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd') as [NextStartDate], FORMAT([StartDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd') as [StartDate], [ConversionRate] FROM [DatedConversionRate];

Additionally, the Payment Allocation Debit Note Line, Payment Allocation Invoice Line and Order Item query must be changed to the following to add the CurrencyIsoCode field in the query.

REPLICATE [blng__PaymentAllocationDebitNoteLine__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [blng__Amount__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [CurrencyIsoCode], [blng__DebitNoteLine__c], [blng__Payment__c], [blng__Type__c] FROM [blng__PaymentAllocationDebitNoteLine__c]; REPLICATE [blng__PaymentAllocationInvoiceLine__c] WITH ReplicateStartDate = '{env:start_extraction_date}', replicateenddate = '{env:end_extraction_date}' SELECT [Id], [blng__Amount__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [CurrencyIsoCode], [blng__InvoiceLine__c], [blng__Payment__c], [blng__Type__c], [blng__Unallocated__c] FROM [blng__PaymentAllocationInvoiceLine__c]; REPLICATE [OrderItem] SELECT [Id], [SBQQ__BillingFrequency__c], [SBQQ__ChargeType__c], [SBQQ__Contract__c], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [CurrencyIsoCode], [OrderId], [OrderItemNumber], [SBQQ__Status__c], [Product2Id], [Quantity], [SBQQ__SubscriptionTerm__c], [SBQQ__DefaultSubscriptionTerm__c], [TotalPrice] FROM [OrderItem] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}');

Person Accounts enabled in Salesforce Org

In Case Person Accounts (field IsPersonAccount) are used - replace the Accounts query with the following query. This query will add the field IsPersonAccount in the Accounts extraction.

REPLICATE [Account] SELECT [Id], [AccountSource], [BillingState], [BillingCountry], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Industry], [IsPersonAccount], [Name], [OwnerId], [Ownership], [ParentId], [Rating], [Type] FROM [Account];

Record Types are enabled in Salesforce Org

In case Record Types are used the Order query must be amended to add the RecordTypeId field in the query. The following replicate shows Order with RecordTypeId value added.

REPLICATE [Order] SELECT [Id], [AccountId], [CreatedById], FORMAT([CreatedDate], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [CreatedDate], [Name], [OpportunityId], [OrderNumber], [Type], [OwnerId], [SBQQ__PaymentTerm__C], [SBQQ__Quote__c], [RecordTypeId], [ShippingCountry], [ShippingState] FROM [Order] WHERE ([CreatedDate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([CreatedDate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}');

Input fields

The following tables include the list of fields per input table, their description, data type to be used when formatting the input and the filter flag to identify those that are being used to filter data.

Input types

Below is an overview of the different field types and their default format settings.

Field type Description
boolean true, false, 1, 0
date yyyy-mm-dd
datetime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.ms], where [.ms] is optional.
double Decimal separator: . (dot); thousand separator: none
integer Thousand separator: none
text N/A

Input tables & fields


Represents an individual account, which is an organization or person involved with your business (such as customers, competitors, and partners).

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Account Identifier (Primary Key). text
AccountSource The source of the account record. For example, Advertisement,, or Trade Show. The source is selected from a pick list of available values, which are set by an administrator. text
BillingCountry Details for the billing address of this account. text
BillingState Details for the billing address of this account. text
CreatedById User ID who created the account. text
CreatedDate Date in which the account was created. datetime
Industry An industry associated with this account. text
IsPersonAccount Indicates whether this account has a record type of Person Account (true) or not (false). This field is not available by default in Salesforce, but is setup by Salesforce when requested for B2C environments. This attribute can be enabled / disabled using the use_is_person_account dbt variable. boolean
Name Name of the account. If the account has a record type of Person Account: This value is the concatenation of the FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, and Suffix of the associated person contact. text
OwnerId The ID of the user who currently owns this account. text
Ownership Ownership type for the account, for example Private, Public, or Subsidiary. text
ParentId ID of the parent object, if any. text
Rating The account's prospect rating, for example Hot, Warm, or Cold. text
Type Type of account, for example, Customer, Competitor, or Partner. text


Represents and tracks a marketing campaign, such as a direct mail promotion, webinar, or trade show.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Campaign Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the campaign. text
CreatedDate Date in which the campaign was created. datetime time-based filter
Name Name of the campaign. text
OwnerId ID of the user who owns this campaign. text
ParentId ID of the parent Campaign record, if any. text
Status Status of the campaign, for example, Planned, In Progress. text
Type Type of campaign, for example, Direct Mail or Referral Program. text


Represents the association between a campaign and either a lead or a contact.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Campaign Member Identifier (Primary Key). text
CampaignId Required. ID of the Campaign to which this Lead or Contact is associated. text
CreatedById User ID who created the campaign member record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the campaign member record was created. datetime time-based filter
LeadId Required. ID of the Lead who is associated with a Campaign. text
Status Controls the HasResponded flag on this object. In the Salesforce user interface, Marketing users can define valid status values for the Status picklist. text


Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated Credit Notes, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Credit Note History Identifier (Primary Key). text
ParentId Related Credit Note Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text
Field Field which was modified on the record. text in ('blng__Status__c')
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Contains all Credit notes generated in Billing.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Credit Note Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
Name User friendly ID for the Credit Note text


Contains all Credit Notes allocations for Invoices generated in Billing.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Credit Note Allocation Identifier (Primary Key). text
blng__Amount__c Amount cleared double
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
blng__CreditNoteLine__c Credit Note Line ID that clears the Invoice Line text
blng__InvoiceLine__c Invoice Line ID that gets cleared by the credit note text
blng__Type__c Type of allocation text


Represents the transactional table that contains all Credit note lines

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Credit Note Line Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
blng__CreditNote__c Related Credit Note ID text
Name Detail of the Credit Note Line text


Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated Credit Note Line, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Credit Note Line History Identifier (Primary Key). text
ParentId Related Credit Note Line Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text
Field Field which was modified on the record. text in ('blng__Status__c')
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Represents the subscription products that customers have purchased. The Contract store information on the subscriptions that sales reps have quoted or ordered.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Contract Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the contract record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the contract record was created. datetime time-based filter
ContractNumber Auto Number assigned to the Contract once is created. text
OwnerId ID of the user who owns this contract. text


History for tracked fields of Contract.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Contract History Identifier (Primary Key). text
ContractId Related Contract Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text <> EntityId
Field Field which was modified on the contract record. text in (Status, Owner, ContractTerm)
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Represents the currencies used by an organization for which the Multi-currency feature is enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Currency Type record identifier (Primary Key). text
IsCorporate Indicates whether this currency type is the corporate currency (true) or not (false). Label is Corporate Currency. All other currency conversion rates are applied against this corporate currency. boolean = 1
IsoCode ISO code of the currency. Must be one of the valid alphabetic, three-letter currency ISO codes defined by the ISO 4217 standard, such as USD, GBP, or JPY. text


Represents the dated exchange rates used by an organization for which the Multi-currency and the effective dated currency features are enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Dated Conversion Rate record identifier (Primary Key). text
ConversionRate Conversion rate of this currency type against the corporate currency. double
IsoCode ISO code of the currency. Must be one of the valid alphabetic, three-letter currency ISO codes defined by the ISO 4217 standard, such as USD, GBP, or JPY. text
NextStartDate The date on which the next effective dated exchange rate will start. Effectively the day after the end date for this exchange rate. date
StartDate The date on which the effective dated exchange rate starts. date


Represents the transactional information related to Debit Notes at header level.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Debit Note Identifier (Primary Key). text
Name Detail of the Debit Note text
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter


Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated Debit Note History, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Debit Note History Identifier (Primary Key). text
ParentId Related Debit Note Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text
Field Field which was modified on the record. text in ('blng__Status__c')
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Contains all Debit Notes allocations for Invoices generated in Billing.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Debit Note Allocation Identifier (Primary Key). text
blng__Amount__c Amount cleared double
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
blng__InvoiceLine__c Invoice Line ID that gets cleared by the Debit note text
blng__DebitNoteLine__c Debit Note Line ID that clears the Invoice Line text
blng__Type__c Type of allocation text


This table contains both types of allocations: when a debit note clears a credit note, and the other way around.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Debit Note or Credit Note Allocation Identifier (Primary Key). text
blng__Amount__c Amount cleared double
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
blng__CreditNoteLine__c Credit Note Line ID that is involved in the allocation text
blng__DebitNoteLine__c Debit Note Line ID that is involved in the allocation text
blng__Type__c Type of allocation text


Represents the transactional table that contains all Debit note lines

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Debit Note Line Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
blng__DebitNote__c Related Debit Note ID text
Name Detail of the Debit Note Line text


Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated Debit Note Line, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Debit Note Line History Identifier (Primary Key). text
ParentId Related Debit Note Line Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text
Field Field which was modified on the record. text in ('blng__Status__c')
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Represents the transactional records related to Invoices at header level.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Invoice Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
Name Detail of the Invoice text


Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated Invoice, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Invoice History Identifier (Primary Key). text
ParentId Related Invoice Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text
Field Field which was modified on the record. text in ('blng__InvoiceStatus__c')
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Represents the transactional table for Invoice Line records.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Invoice Line Identifier (Primary Key). text
blng__Invoice__c Invoice Identifier for the related Invoice header text
blng__OrderProduct__c Order Item Identifier that this Invoice Line is related to. text
blng__Balance__c Open amount that is yet to be cleared double
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
blng__DaysPastDue__c Days past the due date double
blng__DueDate__c Due date for the invoice line date
Name Detail of the Invoice Line text


Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated Invoice Line, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Invoice Line History Identifier (Primary Key). text
ParentId Related Invoice Line Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text
Field Field which was modified on the record. text in ('blng__InvoiceLineStatus__c')
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Represents a prospect or lead.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Lead Identifier (Primary Key). text
ConvertedOpportunityId Object reference ID that points to the opportunity into which the lead has been converted. text
CreatedById User ID who created the campaign member record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the campaign member record was created. datetime time-based filter
Name Concatenation of FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, and Suffix up to 203 characters, including white spaces. text
OwnerId ID of the lead's owner. text


History for tracked fields of Lead.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Lead History Identifier (Primary Key). text
LeadId Related Lead Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text <> EntityId
Field Field which was modified on the lead record. text in (Status, Rating, Owner)
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Represents an opportunity, which is a sale or pending deal. This will be the main Case Identifier for the Process Mining model.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Opportunity Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the opportunity record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the opportunity record was created. datetime time-based filter
Name A name for this opportunity. text


Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields of an opportunity.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Opportunity History Identifier (Primary Key). text
OpportunityId Related Opportunity Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text <> EntityId
Field Field which was modified on the opportunity record. text in (StageName, Amount, Owner, CloseDate)
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Represents an order associated with a quote, an order record track the products from customers purchases.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Order Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the order. text
CreatedDate Date in which the quote was order. datetime time-based filter
Name Name for the order. text
OpportunityId Related Opportunity Record Id. text
SBQQ__Quote__c ID for the quote associated with the order. text

OrderItem (Main object)

Represents an order product which is a product or service that is provided to a customer according to an associated order for each of the quote lines.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id ID for the order associated with the order product. text
SBQQ__BillingFrequency__c Frequency of invoice generation for a subscription product text
SBQQ__ChargeType__c Classification between one-time or recurring billing text
SBQQ__Contract__c The contract of the subscription that is created from this order product. text
CreatedById User ID who created the Order Item text
CreatedDate Date in which the Order Item was created datetime time-based filter
CurrencyIsoCode Available only for organizations with the Multi-currency feature enabled. Contains the ISO code for any currency allowed by the organization. text
OrderId Related order Record ID. text
OrderItemNumber User friendly ID text
Product2Id Product ID text
Quantity Quantity sold double
SBQQ__Contract__c Related Contract ID text
SBQQ__DefaultSubscriptionTerm__c Subscription term used by default double
SBQQ__Status__c Order item status text
SBQQ__SubscriptionTerm__c Subscription term defined for the Order double
TotalPrice Total amount of the Order Item double


Represents the transactional table for Payment records.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Payment Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
blng__PaymentDate__c Date for which the payment was executed (not the date when it was recorded in the system) date


Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated Payment, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Payment History Identifier (Primary Key). text
ParentId Related Payment Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text
Field Field which was modified on the record. text in ('blng__Status__c')
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


This table contains allocations done for Payments impacting Debit Notes.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Payment allocation Identifier (Primary Key). text
blng__Amount__c Amount cleared double
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
CurrencyIsoCode Available only for organizations with the Multi-currency feature enabled. Contains the ISO code for any currency allowed by the organization. text
blng__DebitNoteLine__c Debit Note Line ID that is involved in the allocation text
blng__Payment__c Payment ID that is involved in the allocation text
blng__Type__c Type of allocation text


This table contains allocations done for Payments impacting Invoices.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Payment allocation Identifier (Primary Key). text
blng__Amount__c Amount cleared double
CreatedById User ID who created the record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the record was created. datetime time-based filter
CurrencyIsoCode Available only for organizations with the Multi-currency feature enabled. Contains the ISO code for any currency allowed by the organization. text
blng__InvoiceLine__c Invoice Line ID that is involved in the allocation text
blng__Payment__c Payment ID that is involved in the allocation text
blng__Type__c Type of allocation text


Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated order, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Order History Identifier (Primary Key). text
OrderId Related order Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text <> EntityId
Field Field which was modified on the order record. text in (Status, Owner, TotalAmount)
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text


Represents the Quote object that stores all the details of the products and prices quoted for an opportunity. Quotes are created from and synced with opportunities, and emailed as PDFs to customers.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Quote Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the quote. text
CreatedDate Date in which the quote was created. datetime time-based filter
Name System-generated number for referencing the quote. text
SBQQ__Opportunity2__c ID for the opportunity associated with the quote. text


Represents historical information about changes that have been made to the standard fields of the associated quote, or to any custom fields with history tracking enabled.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Quote History Identifier (Primary Key). text
ParentId Related quote Record Id. text
CreatedById User ID who created the history record. text
CreatedDate Date in which the history record was created. datetime time-based filter
DataType Data Type for the field which was modified. text <> EntityId
Field Field which was modified on the quote record. text in (SBQQ__Primary__c, SBQQ__Status__c, SBQQ__SubscriptionTerm__c) or in (SBQQ__SalesRep__c, SBQQ__ExpirationDate__c) and OldValue not null
NewValue Value after change. text
OldValue Value before change. text When "Field" takes the following values, OldValue cannot be null:'SBQQ__SalesRep__c', 'SBQQ__ExpirationDate__c'


Represents the definition of a single approval process.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Process Definition Identifier (Primary Key). text
Name The unique process name, used internally. text
TableEnumOrId Specifies the object associated with the approval process, such as Account or Contact. text
Type This field shows the type of process. In this case the only type that is of interest for the logic are the Approval types. text = Approval


Represents an instance of a single, end-to-end approval process.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Process Instance Identifier (Primary Key). text
CreatedById User ID who created the process instance. text
CreatedDate Date in which the process instance was created. datetime time-based filter
ProcessDefinitionId The ID of this approval process instance. This is a relationship field. text
Status The status of this approval process instance, for example Started, Pending, or Approved. text
TargetObjectId ID of the object affected by this approval process instance. This is a polymorphic relationship field. text


Represents one work item in an approval process (ProcessInstance).

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Process Instance Step Identifier (Primary Key). text
Comments Limit: 4,000 bytes. text
CreatedById User ID who created the process instance step. text
CreatedDate Date in which the process instance step was created. datetime time-based filter
ProcessInstanceId ID of the ProcessInstance that this approval step belongs to. This is a relationship field. text
StepStatus The current status of this approval step. Examples are Approved, Fault, Held, NoResponse, Pending, Reassigned, Rejected, Removed, Started. text


Master data table that represents an order product that the organization sells.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Product ID (Primary Key). text
Name Product Name text
ProductCode User friendly code text
Family Family to which the product belongs to text
QuantityUnitOfMeasure Unit of measure for the product text


Represents a record type, which might define a different sales process for opportunities.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id Record Type Identifier (Primary Key). text
Name Label of the record type in the user interface. text


Represents each user in the Salesforce organization.

Field Description Data Type Filtering
Id User Identifier (Primary Key). text
Department The company department associated with the user. text
Name Concatenation of FirstName and LastName. text
UserType The category of user license. text

Configuring transformations

Seed files


This seed file is used to add automation-related properties to each activity, used for the automation potential dashboard. For more information, see Simulating Automation Potential.

Field Type Description
Activity Text Display name for the activity
Event_cost Double Cost associated with the activity
Event_processing_time Integer Processing time associated with the activity (in milliseconds)


This seed file is used to define properties for the due dates. For more information, see Due Dates.

Field Type Description
Due_date Text The name of the due date
Due_date_type Text The Due date type
Fixed_costs Boolean An indication whether costs are fixed or time based
Cost Double Fixed costs: The amount of costs. Variable costs: The amount of costs per Time and Time_type
Time Integer A number indicating the amount of time in case of time-based costs
Time_type Text Type of time period for cost calculations. This can be any of the following values: day, hour, minute, second or millisecond


This file is used to set the users that are automated.

Field Type Description
Automated_users Text User that is considered automated.

Dbt variables

Below is an overview of the variables that must be configured based on the Salesforce configuration for the end customer. These variables are defined in the dbt_project.yml file.

Variable Type Description
conversion_rate_start_date string Specifies the starting date for currency conversions, when there are no prior historic exchange rates. This replaces the null value that is used in Salesforce.
use_is_person_account boolean Defines whether the IsPersonAccount attribute will be used. This should be disabled in Salesforce Orgs where there are no Person Accounts. Setting this to true will enable the attribute to being queried in the transformations, and will enable associated tests. Default is false.
use_currency_conversion boolean Defines whether the multi currency conversion will be used. This should be disabled in Salesforce Orgs where multi currency is not used. Setting this to true will enable currency conversion. Default is false.
use_record_types boolean Defines whether the record type conversions will be used. This should be disabled in Salesforce Orgs where record types are not used. Setting this to true will enable record types to be queried and added to the transformations. Default is false.

Design specifications


Salesforce already treats each object as an individual object, however the objects are joined to additional master data in order to provide additional information.

Object Input Data
Contracts Contract, User
Credit note allocations CreditNoteAllocation, User
Credit note lines CreditNoteLine, User
Credit notes CreditNote, User
Debit note allocation credit note lines DebitNoteAllocationCreditNoteLine, User
Debit note allocations DebitNoteAllocation, User
Debit note lines DebitNoteLine, User
Debit note DebitNote, User
Invoice lines InvoiceLine, User
Invoices Invoice, User
Leads Lead, User
Opportunities Opportunity, User
Order items OrderItem, Order, Accounts, User, Product2, RecordsType, CurrencyType, DatedConversionRate
Orders Order, User
Payment allocation debit note lines PaymentAllocationDebitNoteLine, User
Payment allocation invoice lines PaymentAllocationInvoiceLine, User
Payments Payment, User
Quotes Quote, User


Object Activity Description
Contract Creation Contract is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the Contract.
Contract Status Change* Contract moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Draft, In Approval Process, Activated. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the ContractHistory object.
Contract Additional Changes* Depending on fields tracked on the object, the event will be record as a change activity. In the standard connector, Owner, and Contract term are tracked, but may be expanded depending on customer configuration. Identified based on the values on the ContractHistory object.
Contract Approvals* Any approval process which was submitted. This may be generated by any custom configuration the customer has.
Credit note allocations Allocate Credit note lines to Invoice lines Allocation of the document that reduces the open amount
Credit note allocations Unallocate Credit note lines from Invoice lines Reversal of the allocation
Credit notes Approvals* Any approval process which was submitted. This may be generated by any custom configuration the customer has.
Credit notes Status Change* Credit note moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Draft, Posted. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the CreditNoteHistory object.
Credit notes Creation Credit notes is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the CreditNote object.
Credit note lines Status Change* Credit note lines moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Draft, Posted. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the CreditNoteLinesHistory object.
Credit note lines Creation Credit note lines is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the CreditNoteLines object.
Debit note allocation credit note lines Allocate Debit/Credit note to Credit/Debit note Allocation of the document that reduces the open amount
Debit note allocation credit note lines Unallocate Debit/Credit note from Credit/Debit note Reversal of the allocation
Debit note allocation Allocate Debit notes to Invoices Allocation of the document that reduces the open amount
Debit note allocation Unallocate Debit notes from Invoices Reversal of the allocation
Debit notes Approvals* Any approval process which was submitted. This may be generated by any custom configuration the customer has.
Debit notes Status Change* Debit note moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Draft, Posted. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the DebitNote_History object.
Debit notes Creation Debit note is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the DebitNote object.
Debit note lines Status Change* Debit note lines moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Draft, Posted. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the DebitNoteLinesHistory object.
Debit note lines Creation Debit note lines is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the DebitNoteLines object.
Invoices Status Change* Invoice moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Cancelled, Draft, Post In progress, Posted, Rebilled. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the Invoice_History object.
Invoices Creation Invoice is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the Invoice object.
Invoice lines Status Change* Invoice lines move from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Cancelled, Draft, Posted, Rebilled. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the InvoiceLine_History object.
Invoice lines Creation Invoice line is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the InvoiceLine object.
Lead Creation Lead is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the Lead object.
Lead Add to Campaign Lead is added to a marketing campaign for tracking. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the CampaignMember object for each LeadId.
Lead Status Change* Lead moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Open, Contacted, Qualified, Unqualified. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the LeadHistory object.
Lead Approvals* Any approval process which was submitted. This may be generated by any custom configuration the customer has.
Lead Additional Field Changes* Depending on fields tracked on the object, the event will be record as a change activity. Owner and Rating are tracked, but may be expanded depending on customer configuration. Identified based on records on the LeadHistory object.
Opportunity Creation Opportunity is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the Opportunity object.
Opportunity Stage Change* Opportunity moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Prospecting, Qualification, Needs Analysis, Value Proposition, ID Decision Makers, Perception Analysis, Proposal / Price Quote, Negotiation / Review, Closed Won, Closed Lost. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = StageName on the OpportunityFieldHistory object.
Opportunity Additional Changes* Depending on fields tracked on the object, the event will be record as a change activity. Owner, Close Date and Amount are tracked, but may be expanded depending on customer configuration. Identified based on values on the OpportunityFieldHistory object.
Opportunity Approvals* Any approval process which was submitted. This may be generated by any custom configuration the customer has.
Order Creation Order is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the Order.
Order Status Change* Order moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Draft, Activated. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the OrderHistory object.
Order Additional Changes* Depending on fields tracked on the object, the event will be record as a change activity. Owner, and TotalAmount are tracked, but may be expanded depending on customer configuration. Identified based on the values on the OrderHistory object.
Order Approvals* Any approval process which was submitted. This may be generated by any custom configuration the customer has.
Payments Allocate Payment to Invoice/Debit notes Allocation of the document that reduces the open amount
Payments Unallocate Payment from Invoice/Debit notes Reversal of the allocation
Payments Status Change* Payments move from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Draft, Posted. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the Payment_History object.
Payments Creation Payments is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the Payment object.
Quote Creation Quote is generated in the system. Identified based on the CreateDate field on the Quote.
Quote Approvals* Any approval process which was submitted. This may be generated by any custom configuration the customer has.
Quote Status Change* Quote moves from different status. Standard status in Salesforce are: Draft, In Review, Approved, Denied, Presented, Accepted, Rejected. Identified based on the Old and New values for field = Status on the QuoteHistory object.
Quote Additional Changes* Depending on fields tracked on the object, the event will be record as a change activity. Primary quote, subscription terms, Sales Rep and Expiration date are tracked, but may be expanded depending on customer configuration. Identified based on the values on the QuoteHistory object.

*The actual activity names will depend on the values defined on the customer Salesforce organization.

Design details

Object relationship diagram

The following image shows all objects that were used for the process.

Note: DebitNoteAllocationCreditNoteLine will be converted into two objects.

Amount of events

All contracts that get amended will generate automatically a new Opportunity_id that will be linked to the former. Therefore, all activities happening to the contract will be included in both case_id's: the original opportunity and the amended one. That can be seen when comparing the total amount of records in Events_all table vs Event_log_base table, thus it will be correct to have more records in the Event_log_base table.

Known limitations


Object Specific