ServiceNow Incident Management

Process description

The Incident Management process is the end-to-end process which starts with the opening of an incident up to the resolution and closing of the incident. Other steps can be assigning the incident to correct teams and users, working on, and resolving incidents. Incidents can be in a pending status, which is usually related to further information being needed to resolve the incident. Reassignment to different teams and users may occur during the process. For example, if the initial assignment was incorrect, or if the user was assigned or the incident needs attention from multiple users and/or teams during its resolution.

The Incident Management for ServiceNow app template enables:

Available tags & due dates

The following tags are available by default.

Tag Description
Assignment Group Change Any subsequent group assignment.
Created without Assignment Group Identify if the "Open Incident" activity has the "Team" = NULL.
Multiple assignments The incident has multiple assignments.
Priority Changes Changes the level of priority.
Reopen An activity 'Change status to "Pending"' or 'Change status to "Assigned"' happens after 'Change status to "Resolved"'.
Multiple users for same activity An incident has the same activity executed multiple times by different users.

Due dates

ServiceNow has a complete framework for tracking and categorizing SLA. Therefore, the Due dates for this app template were created in a way that utilizes the different SLA names created in ServiceNow's own system. Each company will have their own categories and priority levels for SLA shown out of the box. ServiceNow stores the maximum duration in contract_sla table for each SLA category and the planned end time in task_sla table for each incident number (time for reaching 'resolved' state). Using both information, it is possible to obtain the last SLA category assigned to an incident number and to correctly set the due dates.


This app template uses ServiceNow (versions up to the version "Rome") as source system.

Extraction for the system is done using CData Sync. To set-up the extraction, make sure you have a valid license for CData Sync and have installed CData Sync.

System configuration

To be able to extract data from ServiceNow the following configuration in ServiceNow is required.

Read permissions

Assign appropriate read permissions on each of the objects which are being extracted. All fields included in the input tables must be visible for the user extracting the data.

The ServiceNow Incident Management app template requires the following ServiceNow objects:

Additional events are included by tracking priority changes, assignment changes and pending status. However it is possible to add activities by tracking the Mi_definition from the supporting table "Incident_metric_input".

In order to obtain the due dates, it also necessary to have access to the following objects.

In order to obtain the Configuration Item name from the Configuration Management Database it is also necessary to have access to the following object.

Setting up the source connection in CData Sync

Setting up the destination connection in CData Sync

To set up the destination connection, follow the steps as defined in Create a destination connection (Automation Cloud). Note: If you are using Automation Suite, make sure to select AUTOMATION SUITE as the DELIVERY option and select the correct version of Automation Suite you are using.

Creating the extraction job in CData Sync

To create the Job in CData make sure to follow the steps below.

Advanced job settings

In the Advanced tab in the Job Settings panel, edit the following settings:

If you are using Automation Suite, set the Destination Schema in the Settings panel on the overview tab. Use the schema name you retrieved when you created the destination connection.

Setting up environment variables in the extraction job

Important: Make sure you edit the Pre-job Event.

CData Sync allows the use of environment variables in order to drive specific extraction logic in each query.

Variable Description Comment
start_extraction_date First date for which data will be extracted. Mandatory
end_extraction_date Last date for which data will be extracted.

In order to setup the environment variables:

Step Action
1 Go to the Events tab in the Job Settings panel of the job you are creating
2 Edit the Pre-Job Event section to add the code displayed below after <!-- Code goes here -- >. Do not modify the api:info details that are shown by default.
3 Click on Save Changes.
<!-- Modify environment variables here. --> <!-- Variable start_extraction_date must be populated.--> <api:set attr="out.env:start_extraction_date" value="2022-01-01" /> <!-- In case a specific end date is needed, replace the value string with the required date in yyyy-MM-dd format. --> <!-- i.e api:set attr="out.env:end_extraction_date" value="2022-02-01" --> <api:set attr="out.env:end_extraction_date" value="[null | now() | todate('yyyy-MM-dd')]" /> <api:push item="out" />

By default, end_extraction_date will default to today's date. start_extraction_date must always be populated.

Setting up the data ingestion call

After the data has been successfully loaded, the Process Mining platform needs to start the data ingestion process. This is done by calling the End of Upload API. In order to set this up, follow the steps below:

Step Action
1 Go to the Events tab in the Job Settings panel of the job you are creating
2 Edit the Post-Job Event section to add the code displayed below after <!-- Code goes here -- >. Do not modify the api:info details that are shown by default.
3 Fill out the End of Upload API with the value provided.
4 In case you need a debugging log for this call, uncomment the two lines provided in the code below and provide a location for the log file.
5 Click on Save Changes.
<api:set attr="http.url" value="END_OF_UPLOAD_API"/> <!-- <api:set attr="http.verbosity" value="5"/> --> <!-- <api:set attr="http.logfile" value="D:/mydir/cdata_log.txt"/> --> <api:call op="httpPost" in="http"/>

Table Replication

Once the job is correctly setup, go to Task tab, click + Add Tasks, enable the Custom Query option and paste the following queries (each query needs to maintain the semicolon at the end). Make sure you save all changes.

REPLICATE [metric_instance] SELECT [sys_id], [id], FORMAT([sys_created_on], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [sys_created_on], [value], [definition] FROM [metric_instance] WHERE ([sys_created_on] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([sys_created_on] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [cmdb_ci] SELECT [name_display_value], [sys_class_name_display_value], [sys_updated_on] FROM [cmdb_ci] WHERE ([sys_created_on] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([sys_created_on] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [contract_sla] SELECT [name_display_value], [duration] FROM [contract_sla] WHERE ([sys_created_on] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([sys_created_on] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [task_sla] SELECT [sla_display_value], [task_display_value], FORMAT([planned_end_time], 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') as [planned_end_time], [stage] FROM [task_sla] WHERE [stage] = 'completed' AND ([sys_created_on] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([sys_created_on] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [metric_definition] SELECT [sys_id], [name], [table] FROM [metric_definition] WHERE [table] = 'incident'; REPLICATE [incident] SELECT [sys_id], [sys_updated_on], [assigned_to_display_value], [assignment_group_display_value], [caller_id_display_value], [category_display_value], [close_code_display_value], [cmdb_ci_display_value], [contact_type_display_value], [priority_display_value], [number], [state_display_value], [upon_approval_display_value], [upon_reject_display_value], [urgency_display_value] FROM [incident] WHERE ([sys_created_on] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([sys_created_on] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}');

Input fields

Input types

Below is an overview of the different field types and their default format settings.

Field type Description
boolean true, false, 1, 0
date yyyy-mm-dd
datetime yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.ms], where [.ms] is optional.
double Decimal separator: . (dot); thousand separator: none
integer Thousand separator: none
text N/A

Input tables & fields


Table that contains base configuration item information.

Field Type Stores
name_display_value text Name of the CI instance.
sys_class_name_display_value text Category for CI.
sys_updated_on text Date the data was updated on the system.


Table that contains data related to each incident number. A filter is applied on incident_input to get only the last record (Last_line = 1) for each incident number. This filter is necessary because some incident numbers may have multiple entries on this table.

Field Type Stores
number text Incident number.
assigned_to_display_value text User assigned.
priority_display_value text Level priority for the incident.
caller_id_display_value text User that created the incident.
assignment_group_display_value text First team assigned to the incident.
cmdb_ci_display_value text Affected configuration item.
close_code_display_value text Category for the close status.
state_display_value text Status of the ticket.
contact_type_display_value text Type of contact used to report the incident.
category_display_value text Incident category (Security, Software, Server, Hardware, Network, etc).
upon_approval_display_value text Instructions for next steps in case of approval.
upon_reject_display_value text Instructions for next steps in case of rejection.
urgency_display_value text Urgency level for the Incident.
sys_updated_on text Date the data was updated on the system.
sys_id text ID necessary to join the Metric_instance table. This ID is a primary key for the table, therefore each record is unique for the table.


Data related SLA and due dates.

Field Type Stores
task_display_value text Incident number.
sla_display_value text SLA Name.
planned_end_time datetime Expected date for the due date.
stage text stage used for filtering the SLAs.


Contains data related to the duration for each SLA type. This table is needed in conjunction with task_sla table to obtain the last SLA record (due date type) assigned to incidents.

Field Type Stores
name_display_value text SLA Name.
duration integer Max duration of an SLA type.


Defined metrics can track how long an audited field holds a certain value.

Field Type Stores
sys_id text Id necessary to join the metric_instance table. This ID is a primary key for the table, therefore each record is unique for the table.
name text Definition for the type of data retrieved on "value" field in metric_instance table.
table text Contains the name of the table to which the metric definition applies.


A metric instance is a record in the metric_instance table.

Field Type Stores
definition text Id necessary to join the Metric_definition table.
id text Id necessary to join the Incident table.
sys_id text Id of the metric instance.
sys_created_on datetime Used for creating the Event end.
value text Contains data about status, users and teams.

Configuring transformations

Seed files


This seed file is used to add automation-related properties to each activity, used for the automation potential dashboard. For more information, see Simulating Automation Potential.

Field Type Description
Activity Text Display name for the activity
Event_cost Double Cost associated with the activity
Event_processing_time Integer Processing time associated with the activity (in milliseconds)


This seed file is used to define properties for the due dates. For more information, see Due Dates.

Field Type Description
Due_date Text The name of the due date
Due_date_type Text The Due date type
Fixed_costs Boolean An indication whether costs are fixed or time based
Cost Double Fixed costs: The amount of costs. Variable costs: The amount of costs per Time and Time_type
Time Integer A number indicating the amount of time in case of time-based costs
Time_type Text Type of time period for cost calculations. This can be any of the following values: day, hour, minute, second or millisecond

Dbt variables

Below is an overview of the variables that must be configured. These variables are defined in the dbt_project.yml file.

Variable Type Description
datetime_format string / Integer Specifies the date format which will be used when converting to DateTime type.
max_datetime string Defines a maximum date that is used in the logic to recover the user and team for several tables and needs to match the datetime_format format

Design specifications


Object Input data
Incidents Incident, Configuration Item, User, Urgency


Activity Activity Created on Definition Description
Open Incident Open_and_incident_state_duration_events Open Creation of an Incident number.
Change status to "Assigned" Open_and_incident_state_duration_events Incident State Duration Status for the Incident.
To be Assigned Assigned_to_duration_events Assigned to Duration Assigning NULL to the user field.
Assign User Assigned_to_duration_events Assigned to Duration Assigning a user to the incident.
Assign First Assignment Group Assignment_group_events Assignment Group First time an assignment group is set to work on an Incident.
Change Assignment Group Assignment_group_events Assignment Group Any subsequent group assignation.
Change status to "Work in Progress" Open_and_incident_state_duration_events Incident State Duration Status for the Incident.
Change status to "Resolved" Open_and_incident_state_duration_events Incident State Duration Status for the Incident.
Close Incident Open_and_incident_state_duration_events Incident State Duration Status for the Incident.
Change Priority to # (1 to 4) Priority_change_events Priority Change Changes the level of priority for the Incident.
Change status to "Pending" Open_and_incident_state_duration_events Incident State Duration Status for the Incident.
Add Pending reason "Awaiting Scheduled Appointment" Incident_pending_status_metrics_events Incident Pending Status Metrics Identify the reason for a pending status.
Add Pending reason "Awaiting User Info" Incident_pending_status_metrics_events Incident Pending Status Metrics Identify the reason for a pending status.
Add Pending reason "Pending Depot Shipping" Incident_pending_status_metrics_events Incident Pending Status Metrics Identify the reason for a pending status.
Add Pending reason "Vendor Response" Incident_pending_status_metrics_events Incident Pending Status Metrics Identify the reason for a pending status.

For adding new activities, one will have to identify the Definition from the incident_metric input table that relates to the activity being added.

The following example shows the SQL on how to add a new activity.

with Incident_metric as ( select * from {{ ref('Incident_metric') }} ), Assignment_group_times as ( select * from {{ ref('Assignment_group_times') }} ), Assigned_to_duration_times as ( select * from {{ ref('Assigned_to_duration_times') }} ), New_activity_definition as ( select Incident_metric.`Creation_date` as `Event_end`, Incident_metric.`Incident_ID`, Incident_metric.`Definition`, 'New activity' as `Activity` from Incident_metric -- New activity mapped, based on the 'Definition' where Incident_metric.`Definition` = 'New activity definition' ), New_activity_definition_events as ( select New_activity_definition.`Event_end`, New_activity_definition.`Incident_ID`, New_activity_definition.`Definition`, New_activity_definition.`Activity`, Assigned_to_duration_times.`Value` as `User`, Assignment_group_times.`Value` as `Team`, -- Where 'number' must be filled accordingly to the logic for ordering the activities. 'number' as "Activity_order" from New_activity_definition left join Assigned_to_duration_times ON Assigned_to_duration_times.`Incident_ID` = New_activity_definition.`Incident_ID` and New_activity_definition.`Event_end` between Assigned_to_duration_times.`Next_start` and Assigned_to_duration_times.`Next_end` left join Assignment_group_times ON Assignment_group_times.`Incident_ID` = New_activity_definition.`Incident_ID` and New_activity_definition.`Event_end` between Assignment_group_times.`Next_start` and Assignment_group_times.`Next_end` ) select * from New_activity_definition_events

Design details

Known issues

Common problems

Loading a large amount of data may cause a timeout failure in the job. If this happens follow the instructions below: