Coupa P2P Purchase-to-Pay


System configuration

The data extraction is developed for Coupa.

The January 2023 Release (R35) is used as the basis. It utilizes API endpoints that should be forward and backward compatible.

Environmental settings

In order to connect to Coupa, one must use OAuth 2.0. Details on what is required are written below, but please also use the Coupa Documentation on getting started for further clarification.

  1. To set up your Coupa test instance with a new connection, go to Setup > Oauth2/OpenID Connect Clients. You can type ‘oauth’ in the Search box to find it fast.
  2. Click on Create. For Grant Type select: Client credentials. Specify a Name for the Client, Login, Contact info, and Contact Email.
  3. Choose the following scopes for the API setup. Scopes are like a set of permissions set on the API key.

' core.accounting.write core.approval.configuration.write core.approval.write core.budget.write core.business_entity.write core.catalog.write core.comment.write core.common.write core.contract.write core.contracts_template.write core.easy_form_response.approval.write core.easy_form_response.write core.easy_form.write core.expense.write core.financial_counterparty.write core.integration.write core.inventory.adjustment.write core.inventory.asn.write core.inventory.common.write core.inventory.consumption.write core.inventory.cycle_counts.write core.inventory.pick_list.write core.inventory.receiving.write core.inventory.return_to_supplier.write core.inventory.transfer.write core.invoice.approval.bypass core.invoice.approval.write core.invoice.create core.invoice.delete core.invoice.write core.item.write core.legal_entity.write core.notifications_summary.write core.object_translations.write core.order_header_confirmations.write core.order_pad.write core.payables.allocations.write core.payables.expense.write core.payables.external.write core.payables.invoice.write core.payables.order.write core.project.write core.punchout_site.write core.purchase_order.write core.requisition.write core.sourcing.pending_supplier.write core.sourcing.response.award.write core.sourcing.response.write core.sourcing.write core.supplier_information_sites.write core.supplier_information_tax_registrations.delete core.supplier_information_tax_registrations.write core.supplier_sharing_settings.write core.supplier_sites.write core.supplier.risk_aware.write core.supplier.write core.translation.write core.uom.write core.user_group.write core.user.write email login offline_access openid profile'

  1. Click on Save. Saving the client gives you values of the client Identifier and Secret which are needed to gain access to the API Scopes you have defined for it.
    Click Show/Hide to display and copy the Secret.
  2. The above settings are needed to setup the extraction script in the next section. Read below how to configure the extractor_settings.env file to include these settings.

After following these steps the Coupa API should be accessible.

Extraction tool configuration

This app template includes a Python API Extractor, which connects to the Coupa source system and extracts the necessary tables and fields to CSV files.

In order to use this successfully, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have Python installed on your system. If not, download and install Python from the official website.
  2. Download the file and extract it to a directory of your choice.
  3. Install the libraries listed in the requirements.txt file. It is recommended to create a virtual environment in which you can install them.
  4. Save the required information in a .env file for the Python Extractor (one is included and currently titled extractor_settings.env) to use in connecting to Coupa:
  1. Add start and end dates in the specified format to the extractor_settings.env script.
  2. Enter a target directory for the CSV files to write to.
  3. Open a command prompt or terminal, navigate to the directory where the file is located.
  4. Run the script by executing the following command in the terminal: python
  5. Let the script run. It will take some time.
  6. Upload the CSVs to the app using the DataUploader. More information can be found on the UiPath Documentation Portal.

Input data

Input types

The following table provides an overview of the different field types and their default format settings.

Field type Description
boolean true, false, 1, 0
double Decimal separator: . (dot); thousand separator: none
integer Thousand separator: none
text N/A

Input tables & fields

The following tables are extracted from the source system:


Contains approvals of different documents.

Field Type Description
id text Approval unique identifier
created_at datetime Creation date of the row
status text Status of the approval
approver_id text User identifier for approver
approvable_id text The document ID that was approved
approvable_type text The document type that was approved
position text The position in the approval chain this approval occurred
approval_date datetime The date the approval occurred
note text Reason for approval or rejection


Contains invoice line items details.

Field Type Description
id text Invoice line unique identifier
invoice_id text Invoice header unique identifier
invoice_number text Invoice number
created_at datetime Authorization status type
description text Item description
line_num text Invoice line number
order_header_num text Purchase order number
order_line_id text Purchase order line identifier
order_line_num text Purchase order line number
accounting_total double Accounting total of invoice line
status text Transaction status
type text Invoice line type
uom_name text Unit of measurement name
quantity double Invoice line quantity


Contains invoice header details.

Field Type Description
id text Invoice header unique identifier
created_at datetime Creation date of the row
invoice_date datetime Date of invoice
delivery_number text Delivery number
delivery_date datetime Date of supply
status text Invoice status
discount_due_date datetime Discount Due Date calculated base on the discount payment terms
net_due_date datetime Net Due Date calculated based on the net payment terms
discount_percent double Discount percent
payment_method text Payment method
invoice_number text Invoice number
created_by_id text User identifier for invoice creator
created_by_fullname text Full name of invoice creator
custom_fields_posting_date datetime Posting date of the invoice
paid boolean Indicator of invoice being paid
pay_invoice_id text Invoice payment unique identifier
pay_invoice_created_at datetime Creation date of the invoice payment
pay_invoice_status text Invoice payment status
payment_notes text Notes included with payment for invoice
payment_term_code text Payment term code
payment_term_days_for_net_payment integer Net payment days
payment_term_days_for_discount_payment integer Days for discount payment
payment_term_discount_rate double Discount payment rate
clearance_document text Clearance document attachment file name


Contains purchase order line details.

Field Type Description
id text Purchase order line unique identifier
created_at datetime Creation date of the row
order_header_id text Purchase order header unique identifier
order_header_number text Purchase order number
line_num text Purchase order line number
quantity double Purchase order line quantity
status text Transaction status
accounting_total double Purchase order line accounting total
need_by_date datetime Need by date
requester_id text Requester user unique identifier
created_by_id text User identifier for invoice creator
commodity_name text Commodity name
uom_name text Unit of measurement name
description text Item description
requisition_line_id text Requisition line unique identifier
account_name text Account associated with the purchase order line


Contains purchase order revision details.

Field Type Description
id text Purchase order header identifier
revision integer Purchase order revision number
revision_id text Purchase order revision unique identifier
created_at datetime Creation date of the row
created_by text User identifier for revision creator
order_line_id text Purchase order line identifier
accounting_total_from text Accounting total of previous revision
accounting_total_to text New accounting total
status_from text Status of previous revision
status_to text New status
version_from text Version of previous revision
version_to text New version


Contains purchase order header details.

Field Type Description
id text Purchase order header unique identifier
created_at datetime Creation date of the purchase order
po_number text Purchase order number
status text Purchase order status
created_by_id text User identifier for purchase order creator
created_by_fullname text Full name of purchase order creator
internal_revision integer Internal revision number
change_type text Last type of change on the purchase order
requisition_header_id text Requisition header unique identifier
ship_to_address_business_group_name text Ship-to business group name
supplier_id text Supplier unique identifier
supplier_name text Supplier name


Contains receiving transaction details.

Field Type Description
id text Receiving transaction unique identifier
created_at datetime Creation date of the receiving transaction
quantity double Receipt quantity
status text Receiving transaction status
comments text Comments
order_line_id text Purchase order line identifier
created_by_id text User identifier for creator


Contains requisition line details.

Field Type Description
id text Requisition line unique identifier
line_num text Requisition line number
created_at datetime Creation date of the requisition line
description text Item description
receipt_required boolean Receipt required
source_type text Source type of purchase requisition line
currency_code text Requisition line currency code
status text Transaction status
total double Price total of the requisition line
quantity double Requisition line quantity
commodity_name text Name of the commodity for the requisition line
commodity_category text Category of the commodity for the requisition line
uom_name text Unit of measurement name
created_by_id text User identifier for requisition line creator
created_by_fullname text Full name of requisition line creator


Contains requisition header details.

Field Type Description
requisition_id text Requisition header unique identifier
created_at datetime Creation date of the requisition header
requested_by_id text User identifier of the requisition requester
requested_by_fullname text Full name of the requisition requester
requisition_line_id text Requisition line unique identifier
status text Requisition header status


Contains supplier details.

Field Type Description
id text Requisition header unique identifier
display_name text Supplier display name
one_time_supplier boolean One-time supplier indicator
primary_address_state text Supplier state/region
primary_address_country_name text Supplier country


Contains user details.

Field Type Description
id text User unique identifier
fullname text Full name of the user
department_name text User department name

Configuring transformations

Dbt variables

Variable Type Description
automated_users text Set of User IDs that should be considered as automated.
date-format text Date format used. The date format is dependent on the database used.
datetime-format text Datetime format used. The datetime format is dependent on the database used.

Design specifications


The following table shows all entities that are used for the process.

Entity Input Data
Purchase requisitions Requisition_lines
Purchase orders Purchase_orders_source, Suppliers
Purchase order items Purchase_order_lines, Purchase_orders_source
Goods receipt Receiving_transactions
Invoices Invoices_source
Invoice items Invoice_lines
Accounting documents Invoices_source
Payments Invoices_source


Activity Entity Description
Create Purchase Requisition Item Purchase requisition The purchase requisition item is created, based on the creation date of the document.
Approve Purchase Requisition Level: {level} Purchase requisition Approval of purchase requisition, level is based on the position of the approval.
Create Purchase Order Purchase order The purchase order is created, based on the creation of the document.
Approve Purchase Order Level: {level} Purchase order Approval of purchase order, level is based on the position of the approval.
Create Purchase Order Item Purchase order item The purchase order item is created, based on the creation of the document.
Change Purchase Order Item Price Purchase order item Purchase order item price is changed, based on the Accounting_total_from and Accounting_total_to fields.
Change Purchase Order Item Status Purchase order item Purchase order item status is changed, based on the Status_from and Status_to fields.
Change Purchase Order Item Version Purchase order item Purchase order item version is changed, based on the Version_from and Version_to fields.
Create Goods Receipt Goods receipt The goods receipts is created, based on the creation date of the document.
Create Invoice Invoice The invoice is created, based on the creation date of the document.
Approve Invoice Level: {level} Invoice_ Approval of invoice, level is based on the position of the approval.
Create Invoice Item Invoice item The invoice item is created, based on the creation of the document.
Create Payment Payment The payment is created, based on the creation of the document.

Design details

API Endpoints

Extracted data is based on the following API Endpoints:

Adding fields to extraction

In order to add new fields to the connector, add these fields to the script included in the extraction zip-file. Under the section that lists the fields for all input tables, you are able to edit these fields to include additional attributes for each of these API endpoints. These follow the logic of JSON notation, and one must be mindful of how the field is nested in the JSON response.

Common issues with extractor settings

Known limitations