Oracle NetSuite Order-to-Cash


With the Oracle NetSuite Order-to-Cash app template you can load raw input data from Oracle NetSuite for the Order-to-Cash process, extracted to either Snowflake or SQl Server using CData Sync. The raw input data is transformed through a series of transformations that take place via dbt (data build tool) and produce the required input data used in Process Mining Order-to-Cash process apps. Order-to-Cash is the process from receiving and processing sales orders for goods and services to payment. The Order-to-Cash process starts from the order and completes at payment received from the customer.

Oracle NetSuite configuration

The Oracle NetSuite Order-to-Cash app template requires NetSuite version 2021.2 or higher. NetSuite has two data model configurations: SuiteTalk and SuiteQL. Both SuiteTalk and SuiteQL schemas are used in this app template.

Important: You need a valid Oracle Netsuite license. NetSuite requires a specific role, which is explained below in the system specific settings.

NetSuite and CData Sync Date Matching

In order for filtering on dates to work, the date format in NetSuite and CData Sync must match. Go to NetSuite -> SetUp -> Company -> General Preferences and make note of the date format (MM/DD/YYYY for instance)

In CData Sync, go to the NetSuite Connection, then to the Advanced tab, and make sure that Net Suite Date Format: is set to the same as above (MM/DD/YYYY for instance)

System specific settings

In NetSuite, go to Setup -> Company -> Enable Features and enable the following in the SuiteCloud tab:

A role should be created for connecting to NetSuite to extract the data. This role must have the permissions that are listed in CData's documentation for their NetSuite connector. Use a naming convention for the role that would be memorable, like CData Connector. Create a token for this role to connect it to CData.

Custom Saved Search Creation

One of the tables that the connector requires must be created in NetSuite as a custom saved search. The custom saved search titled transaction item change log utilizes the Line System Notes Fields... in order to bring in line item level changes into the connector. Follow these steps in order to create the necessary saved search in NetSuite:

Go to Lists -> Search -> Saved Searches -> New. Choose Transaction for the Search Type. Under Search Title type in transaction item change log.

Under the Results tab, add the following fields:

Line Unique Key
Transaction Number
Line System Notes: Context
Line System Notes: Date
Line System Notes: Field
Line System Notes: New Value
Line System Notes: Old Value
Line System Notes: Record
Line System Notes: Record ID
Line System Notes: Record Type
Line System Notes: Role
Line System Notes: Set by
Line System Notes: Type
Vendor: Country
Vendor: Company Name
Save & Run

Click Save & Run to save the search and look at the results.

Configuring CData Sync for Oracle Netsuite Order-to-Cash

Below is a description on how to use CData Sync to set up a source connection and load data into a Process Mining Oracle NetSuite Order-to-Cash process app.

In general, you should follow the steps as described in Loading data using CData Sync (Snowflake) or Loading data using CData Sync (SQL Server) to set up data loading using CData Sync. Since specific settings are required when using Oracle NetSuite, pay attention to the steps described below.

As NetSuite has two schema types: SuiteQL and SuiteTalk, it will be required to create two connections, with one for each schema type. Both connections have their own custom queries, which are listed below.


SuiteQL is the newer schema that NetSuite uses to interact with the source system data.

Setting up the source connection

Setting up environment variables in the extraction job

Important: Make sure you edit the Pre-job Event.

CData Sync allows the use of environment variables in order to drive specific extraction logic in each query.

Variable Description Comment
start_extraction_date Defines first date for which data will be extracted. Mandatory
end_extraction_date Last date for which data will be extracted.

Be mindful of choosing a start_extraction_date that encompasses the data that you want to capture, as orders are the starting point of the order to cash process.

In order to setup the environment variables:

Step Action
1 Access the job
2 Click on the Events tab.
3 Edit the Pre-Job Event section to add the code displayed below
<!-- Modify environment variables here. --> <!-- Variable start_extraction_date must be populated.--> <api:set attr="out.env:start_extraction_date" value="01/01/2022" /> <!-- In case a specific end date is needed, replace the value string with the required date in the Date format listed in NetSuite. --> <!-- i.e api:set attr="out.env:end_extraction_date" value="01/01/2022" --> <api:set attr="out.env:end_extraction_date" value= '12/31/3000' /> <api:push item="out" />

Important: Do not modify the api:info details that are shown by default.

In order to modify the environment variables, modify the values within the Events tab. By default, end_extraction_date will default to today's date. start_extraction_date must always be populated.

Table Replication

Once the job is correctly setup, click on Add Custom Query under the Tables tab and paste the following queries (each query needs to maintain the semicolon at the end). Make sure you save all changes.

Use the following custom query for SuiteQL when creating the job:

REPLICATE [employee_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [id], [employeetype], [entityid], [title] FROM [employee]; REPLICATE [entity_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [id], [entityid] FROM [entity]; REPLICATE [item_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [id], [fullname] FROM [item]; REPLICATE [location_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [id], [fullname] FROM [location]; REPLICATE [previoustransactionlinelink_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [linktype], [nextdoc], [nextline], [nexttype], [previousdoc], [previousline] FROM [previoustransactionlinelink] WHERE [nexttype] IN ('SalesOrd', 'CustPymt', 'ItemShip', 'Deposit', 'CustInvc', 'RtnAuth', 'CashSale'); REPLICATE [systemnote_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [id], [date], [field], [name], [newvalue], [oldvalue], [record], [recordid], [recordtypeid] FROM [systemnote] WHERE [field] IN ('TRANDOC.KSTATUS', 'TRANLINE.MESTAMOUNT', 'TRANDOC.BPAYMENTHOLD', 'TRANDOC.STRANTYPE', 'TRANLINE.RITEMCOUNT', 'TRANLINE.MAMOUNT', 'TRANDOC.MAMOUNTMAIN', 'TRANLINE.RUNITPRICE', 'TRANDOC.DSHIP', 'CUSTBODY_REPORT_TIMESTAMP', 'TRANDOC.KFORMTEMPLATE') AND ([recordtypeid] = -30) AND ([date] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([date] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [term_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [id], [daysuntilexpiry], [daysuntilnetdue], [discountpercent], [name] FROM [term]; REPLICATE [transaction_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [id], [createdby], [createddate], [currency], [duedate], [employee], [exchangerate], [status], [terms], [trandisplayname], [type], [voided] FROM [transaction] WHERE [type] IN ('SalesOrd', 'CustPymt', 'ItemShip', 'Deposit', 'CustInvc', 'RtnAuth', 'CashSale') AND ([createddate] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([createddate] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [transactionhistory_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [action], [datetime], [entity], [internalid], [type], [username] FROM [transactionhistory] WHERE [type] IN ('SalesOrd', 'CustPymt', 'ItemShip', 'Deposit', 'CustInvc', 'RtnAuth', 'CashSale') AND ([datetime] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([datetime] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [transactionline_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT DISTINCT [uniquekey], TL.[createdfrom], [department], TL.[entity], [inventorylocation], [item], [itemtype], [linesequencenumber], [location], [netamount], [quantity], [subsidiary], [taxline], [transaction], [units] FROM [transactionline] AS TL JOIN [transaction] as T ON TL.[transaction] = t.[id] WHERE [type] IN ('SalesOrd', 'CustPymt', 'ItemShip', 'Deposit', 'CustInvc', 'RtnAuth', 'CashSale'); REPLICATE [unitstypeuom_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [internalid], [unitname] FROM [unitstypeuom];

Make sure that the query for transactionline works, as it is a custom case where it is joined to the transaction table in order to filter to only include transaction lines for transactions in the order to cash process.

Following these steps will set up all the requirements for the SuiteQL connection tables. Next, a connection to SuiteTalk will be covered to bring in the required custom saved search.


SuiteTalk is the schema required to bring in saved searches, and custom saved searches.

In order for the custom saved search to work, the steps to allow for CData to find RESTlet schemas must be followed first. These directions are listed in the Search_script for RESTlets section below. The custom saved search, transaction_item_change_log must also be created first in the NetSuite instance in order for it to be found and connected with CData.

Setting up the source connection

Search_script for RESTlets

A JavaScript file, called search_script.js, must be added to NetSuite in order for RESTlet Saved Search Queries to work. Follow the steps from the CData documentation to set this up. This will allow for the Custom Saved Search transaction_item_change_log to be used.

Setting up environment variables in the extraction job

Important: Make sure you edit the Pre-job Event. CData allows the use of environment variables in order to drive specific extraction logic in each query.

Variable Description Comment
start_extraction_date Defines first date for which data will be extracted. Mandatory
end_extraction_date Last date for which data will be extracted.

Be mindful of choosing a start_extraction_date that encompasses the data that you want to capture, as orders are the starting point of the order to cash process.

In order to setup the environment variables:

Step Action
1 Access the job created in the previous step.
2 Click on the Events tab.
3 Add the following lines to the Pre-Job Event script.
<!-- Modify environment variables here. --> <!-- Variable start_extraction_date must be populated.--> <api:set attr="out.env:start_extraction_date" value="01/01/2022" /> <!-- In case a specific end date is needed, replace the value string with the required date in the Date format listed in NetSuite. --> <!-- i.e api:set attr="out.env:end_extraction_date" value="01/01/2022" --> <api:set attr="out.env:end_extraction_date" value= '12/31/3000' /> <api:push item="out" />

Important: Do not modify the api:info details that are shown by default.

In order to modify the environment variables, modify the values within the Events tab. By default, end_extraction_date will default to today's date. start_extraction_date must always be populated.

Table Replication

Once the job is correctly setup, click on Add Custom Query under the Tables tab and paste the following query. Make sure you save all changes. Use the following custom query for SuiteTalk when creating the job:

REPLICATE [transaction_item_change_log_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [Line_Unique_Key], [Transaction_Number], [Context], [Date], [Field_text] as [Field], [New_Value], [Old_Value], [Record], [Record_ID], [Record_Type], [Role_text] as [Role], [Set_by_text] as [Set_by], [Type], [Department_text] as [Department], [Status_text] as [Status], [Internal_ID_text] as [Internal_ID] FROM [transaction_item_change_log] WHERE ([Date] >= '{env:start_extraction_date}') AND ([Date] <= '{env:end_extraction_date}'); REPLICATE [SalesOrder_raw] WITH TruncateTableData = 'True' SELECT [InternalId], [BillingAddress_Country], [BillingAddress_State], [Department_Name], [Entity_Name], [SalesGroup_Name], [ShippingAddress_Country],[Subsidiary_Name] FROM [SalesOrder];

Input fields

This section contains an overview of the fields for each of the input tables of the Oracle NetSuite Order-to-Cash app template. For each table the fields are listed. Below is a list of tables that are brought in with the NetSuite SuiteQL Schema specified:

The following is a list of tables that are brought in with the NetSuite SuiteTalk Schema specified:

The transaction_item_change_log is a custom saved search that has been created for the purpose of bringing line item change history into the transformations.

More information can be found on these tables in the NetSuite help center. The Analytics Browser tab is for SuiteQL tables.


Field Data type Label Filtering
id Text Internal ID
employeetype Text Type
entityid Text Entity ID
title Text Job Title


Field Data type Label Filtering
id Text Internal ID
entityid Text Entity name


Field Data type Label Filtering
id Text Internal ID
fullname Text Internal ID


Field Data type Label Filtering
id Text Internal ID
fullname Text Full Name
Field Data type Label Filtering
linktype Text Link Type
nextdoc Text Transaction ID of next document
nextline Text Line ID of the next document line
nexttype Text Next document type in ('SalesOrd', 'CustPymt', 'ItemShip', 'Deposit', 'CustInvc', 'RtnAuth', 'CashSale')
previousdoc Text Transaction ID of previous document
previousline Text Line ID of the previous document line


Field Data type Label Filtering
id Text Internal ID
date date Date
name Text Owner internal id
newvalue Text New value
oldvalue Text Old value
record Text Record name
recordid Text Transaction id
recordtypeid Text State -30


Field Data type Label Filtering
id Text Internal ID
daysuntilexpiry Integer Days Till Discount Expires
daysuntilnetdue Integer Days Till Net Due
discountpercent Double % Discount
name Text Terms


Field Data type Label Filtering
id Text Internal ID
createdby Text Created By
createddate Text Date Created
currency Text Currency
duedate Text Due Date
employee Text Sales Rep
exchangerate Text Exchange Rate
status Text Status
terms Text Terms
trandisplayname Text Transaction Name
type Text Type in ('SalesOrd', 'CustPymt', 'ItemShip', 'Deposit', 'CustInvc', 'RtnAuth', 'CashSale')
voided Boolean Voided


Field Data type Label Filtering
internalid Text Transaction ID
action Text Action
datetime Datetime Datetime
entity Text Entity
type Text Type in ('SalesOrd', 'CustPymt', 'ItemShip', 'Deposit', 'CustInvc', 'RtnAuth', 'CashSale')
username Text User


This table is joined to the transaction table in order to filter on transaction."type"

Field Data type Label Filtering
uniquekey Text Unique Key
createdfrom Text Created From
department Text Department
entity Text Entity
inventorylocation Text Storage location
item Text Item
itemtype Text Item Type
linesequencenumber Text Line Number
location Text Location
netamount Double Amount (Net) (Transaction Currency)
quantity Double Quantity
subsidiary Text Subsidiary
taxline Text Tax Line
transaction Text Transaction ID
units Text Unit ID


Field Data type Label Filtering
internalid Text Internal ID
unitname Text Name of the measuring unit


Field Data type Label Filtering
InternalId Text Unique ID of the sales order
BillingAddress_Country Text Billing country of the customer
BillingAddress_State Text Billing state/region of the customer
Department_Name Text The display name of the department
Entity_Name Text The display name of the customer
SalesGroup_Name Text The display name of the sales group
ShippingAddress_Country Text Shipping country of the sales order
Subsidiary_Name Text The display name of the subsidiary


This is the table created as a custom saved search and connected through the SuiteTalk RESTlet Saved Search Schema.

Field Data type Label Filtering
Line_Unique_Key Text Unique ID of the line item
Transaction_Number Text Transaction document number
Context Text Execution context of the change
Date Datetime Datetime
Field Text Field of change
New_Value Text New value
Old_Value Text Old value
Record Text Record type
Record_ID Text Transaction ID
Record_Type Text One word record type
Role Text Name of the role making the change
Set_by Text Name of user making the change
Internal_ID Text User ID of person making the change
Status Text Status of the transaction
Type Text Change log action type
Department Text Name of the department

Design specifications


Below is an overview of the entities, and their attributes, of the Oracle NetSuite Order-to-Cash app template.


Name Attribute Data type Mandatory Y/N Description
Sales order ID SalesOrder."InternalId" Text Y The unique identifier of the sales order.
Company SalesOrder."Subsidiary_Name" Text N The company for which the sales order is created.
Customer SalesOrder."Entity_Name" Text N The customer for whom the sales order is created.
Customer country SalesOrder."BillingAddress_Country" Text N The country associated to the customer.
Customer region SalesOrder."BillingAddress_State" Text N The region associated to the customer.
Distribution channel attribute Text N The distribution channel associated to the sales order.
Division SalesOrder."Department_Name" Text N The division associated to the sales order.
Requested delivery date attribute Date N The customer’s requested delivery date for the sales order.
Sales group SalesOrder."SalesGroup_Name" Text N The sales group associated to the sales order.
Sales office attribute Text N The sales office associated to the sales order.
Sales order type attribute Text N The sales order type of the sales order.
Sales organization attribute Text N The sales organization of the sales order.


Name Attribute Data type Mandatory Y/N Description
Sales order item ID transactionline."uniquekey" Text Y The unique identifier of the sales order item.
Sales order ID transactionline."transaction" Text Y The unique identifier of the sales order.
Creation date transaction."createddate Date Y The date on which the sales order item is created.
Category transactionline."itemtype" Text N The category of sales order item.
Incoterms attribute Text N The incoterms associated to the sales order item.
Latest expected delivery date transaction."duedate" Date N The latest expected delivery date of (parts of) the sales order item.
Material items."fullname" Text N The material sold.
Material group transactionline."itemtype" Text N The categorization of the material sold.
Payment terms term."name" Text N The terms of payment associated to the sales order item.
Plant location."fullname" Text N The plant associated to the sales order item.
Profit center attribute Text N The profit center associated to the sales order item.
Quantity concat(abs(transactionlines."Quantity"), ' ', ifnull(unitstypeuom."Unit_name", 'Units')) Text N The quantity and unit of measurement sold.
Sales order item concat(transactions."trandisplayname", '-', transactionlines."lineid") Text N A user-friendly name to identify the sales order item
Shipping point country SalesOrder."ShippingAddress_Country" Text N The country where the goods are delivered associated to the sales order item.
Storage location transactionlines."Inventory_location" Text N Storage location associated to the sales order item.
Value abs(transactionline."netamount" * transaction."exchangerate") Double N A monetary value related to the sales order item.


Name Attribute Data type Mandatory Y/N Description
Delivery ID transaction."id" Text Y The unique identifier of the delivery.


Name Attribute Data type Mandatory Y/N Description
Delivery item ID transactionline."uniquekey" Text Y The unique identifier of the delivery item.
Delivery ID transactionline."transaction" Text N* The unique identifier of the delivery.
Sales order items ID transactionline."uniquekey" Text N* The unique identifier of the sales order item.
Delivery items is invoiced attribute Boolean N Indicates if the sales order item is released to invoicing.


Name Attribute Data type Mandatory Y/N Description
Invoice ID transaction."id" Text Y The unique identifier of the invoice.


Name Attribute Data type Mandatory Y/N Description
Invoice item ID transactionline."uniquekey" Text Y The unique identifier of the invoice item.
Invoice ID transactionline."transaction" Text N* The unique identifier of the invoice.
Delivery item ID transactionline."uniquekey" Text N* The unique identifier of the delivery item.
Invoice item is cancelled transaction."voided" Boolean N Indicates if the invoice item is cancelled.
Invoice item is released into accounting attribute Boolean N Indicates if the invoice item is billable.


Name Attribute Data type Mandatory Y/N Description
Invoice cancellation ID transaction."id" Text Y The unique identifier of the invoice cancellation.
Invoice ID transaction."id" Text N* The unique identifier of the invoice that is cancelled.


Name Attribute Data type Mandatory Y/N Description
Accounting document ID concat(transactionline."transaction", transactionline."createdfrom") Text Y The unique identifier of the accounting document.
Invoice ID transactionline."createdfrom" Text N* The unique identifier of the invoice.
Accounting document is cleared attribute Boolean N Indicates if the accounting document has been handled and is closed.


Name Attribute Data type Mandatory Y/N Description
Payment ID transaction."id" Text Y The unique identifier of the payment.
Accounting document ID concat(transactionline."transaction", transactionline."createdfrom") Text N* The unique identifier of the accounting document.


Create sales order

This identifies the creation action of a sales order.

transactionhistory."action" = 'CREATE' WHERE transactionhistory."context" = 'SalesOrd'

Delete sales order

This identifies the deletion action of a sales order.

transactionhistory."action" = 'DELETE' WHERE transactionhistory."context" = 'SalesOrd'

Create sales order item

This identifies the creation action of a sales order item.

Change sales order item price

This identifies a change to the price of a sales order item.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Amount'

Change sales order item quantity

This identifies a change to the quantity of a sales order item.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Quantity'

Change sales order item location

This identifies a change to the location of a sales order item.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Location'

Close sales order item

This identifies that a sales order item has been closed or voided.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Closed'

Create customer delivery

This identifies the creation action of a delivery.

transactionhistory."action" = 'CREATE' WHERE transactionhistory."context" = 'ItemShip'

Delete customer delivery

This identifies the deletion action of a delivery.

transactionhistory."action" = 'DELETE' WHERE transactionhistory."context" = 'ItemShip'

Goods picked

This identifies that the goods for this delivery have been picked.

systemnote."field" = 'TRANDOC.KSTATUS' and systemnote."newvalue" = 'Picked'

Goods packed

This identifies that the goods for this delivery have been packed.

systemnote."field" = 'TRANDOC.KSTATUS' and systemnote."newvalue" = 'Packed'

Goods shipped

This identifies that the goods for this delivery have been shipped.

systemnote."field" = 'TRANDOC.KSTATUS' and systemnote."newvalue" = 'Shipped'

Create delivery item

This identifies the creation action of a delivery item.

Change delivery item price

This identifies a change to the delivery item price.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Amount'

Change delivery item quantity

This identifies a change to the delivery item quantity.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Quantity'

Change delivery item location

This identifies a change to the delivery item location.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Location'

Create customer invoice

This identifies the creation action of a customer invoice.

transactionhistory."action" = 'CREATE' WHERE transactionhistory."context" = 'CustInvc'

Delete customer invoice

This identifies the deletion action of a customer invoice.

transactionhistory."action" = 'DELETE' WHERE transactionhistory."context" = 'CustInvc'

Create invoice item

This identifies the creation action of an invoice item.

Change invoice item price

This identifies a change to the price of an invoice item.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Amount'

Change invoice item quantity

This identifies a change to the quantity of an invoice item.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Quantity'

Cancel invoice

This identifies the cancellation of an invoice.

systemnote."Field" = 'TRANDOC.KSTATUS' and systemnote."New_value" = 'Voided'

Item returned

This identifies an item return.

transaction_item_change_log."Field" = 'Closed' where transaction_item_change_log."Record_type" = 'returnauthorization'

Receive payment

This identifies payment receipt.

systemnote."field" = 'TRANDOC.KSTATUS' and systemnote."newvalue" = 'Paid In Full'


The model Events_base, located in the 3_events directory, is a union of all the outputs from the other models in the 3_events directory. Each event is unique and corresponds to one ID (i.e. Sales order ID, Sales order item ID, etc.).

Customizing the transformations


Automated Users

A variable exists in dbt_project.yml called Automated_users for users to specify the automated users that exist in the Entity table. Please add the for these users to this variable.

Limitations, known issues, common problems


NetSuite SuiteQL relies on some incredibly large tables for its data, which can be filtered by specifying the record types required. Not filtering on these can cause a lot of performance issues with either Snowflake or SQL Server, and will replicate a lot of superfluous data.

If you plan on using CSV files and are going to be using the SQL Query Editor for exporting the SuiteQL tables, the SQL Query Editor tool only allows for up to 5,000 rows to be exported in each query. If more rows are needed, one can filter based on date, and add the results together into a larger file.

Filtering the transactionline table is important, as it can be a rather large table if one does not. However, this requires joining the transactionline and transaction tables in order to filter transactionline to only include the transaction types that are listed in the filtering above. Please use the custom query located in load-from-source for transactionline in order to filter correctly.

DELETE activities like Delete sales order or Delete invoice will only appear in the process graph if the case has been deleted after the initial data has been pulled. Deleted orders and invoices will appear in the transactionhistory table, but will be removed from the transaction, transactionline, systemnote, and transaction_item_change_log tables.

Void activities are built with NetSuite having Void transactions using reversing disabled. In NetSuite, go to Setup -> Accounting -> Accounting Preferences to check.

The line link between delivery items and invoice items is implied, since they link back to the same sales order item line. Staging models Delivery_invoice_relation and Invoice_sales_relation create a rownum to match the delivery item and invoice item, as a sales order item may have multiple deliveries and multiple invoices. This assumes that the first delivery corresponds to the first invoice and so on. If the second delivery is invoiced first, then the relation will be incorrect. We expect this issue to be highly unlikely to occur, but wanted to make users aware of the potentiality.

Known issues

NetSuite is structurally built around the header level, so tracking item level changes requires utilizing a mixture of SuiteTalk and SuiteQL Schemas to find and pull the requisite data for process mining.

If you encounter errors when running a job that state column not found, go to the Advanced tab of the NetSuite Connection and set the Row Scan Depth: to 0

Common problems

CData Sync may exhibit some issues in filtering the extraction tables on multiple values, so this is something to keep in mind if you do encounter similar issues. Some of the input fields of the entities are blank as they are not in the NetSuite system. Sales order type is an example.